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We would love for you to “Take a Test Drive”

for a full understanding about Cosmos Crow Fables


Our entire 50-Interactive Fable Bookcase

is being "Offered" for your consideration with a

15% Discount off Retail $39 cost

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Newton and the Needy Newts

As social creatures we all want attention and approval. But for some of us an appropriate “want” can evolve into an inappropriate “need” that makes us vulnerable to manipulation as you see with Newton Newt.

This fable illustrates that when our "likes" becomes "needs,” we set ourselves up for disappointment and to be overly concerned about the opinion of others.  It is very typical to turn these "wants" and "likes" into "needs" and "musts” but this fable will help you teach the “good thinking” skills necessary to avoid this trap.

A child that is overly concerned about gaining the attention and approval of others is vulnerable to the manipulation by others. This may lead to undesirable consequences, as it did for Newton in this fable.

This story is available as a full color audio enhanced flip book containing the fable, worksheets, quiz, “Cosmos Explains” an Exercise and “Parent Notes.” “Audio only”, includes fable, worksheets and Cosmos Explains.